The OFFSET - TEMPERATURE SENSOR function allows the temperature sensor of Smart Valves and WiFi electric radiators to be adjusted.
In other words, OFFSET specifically concerns the temperature in the room and serves to align the temperature detected by the device with the 'actual' temperature in the room (measured by another room thermometer).
In fact, it is possible that the temperature, detected and transmitted by an IRSAP NOW device, differs from the real temperature in the room (e.g. devices placed in niches, near draughts, etc.).
In these cases, the sensor can be set to achieve correct temperature detection and optimal system operation.
Path: Menu - Devices - select device - Optimisations - set the temperature offset (-5°C - +5°C)
By moving the slider to the left or to the right, it is possible to reduce or increase the measured temperature from -5°C to +5°C, so that its measurement matches the actual room temperature as closely as possible. |