Warning: before proceding to the setup and configuration, please remember to switch the device on.
1. Configure your device: download the IRSAP NOW app, login and create your home. Associate the Connection Unit first, then select in the app "Menu -> Device -> Add Device -> Smart Thermostat";
2. Frame the QR Code or manually enter the code on the Smart Thermostat, the app will automatically register and associate the device with the system;
3. If the QR code or numeric code cannot be read, please try with the emergency association: press the pairing button on the front of the Connection Unit and then at the same time the two arrows "^" and "˅" of the Smart Thermostat.
The "pairing" lettering will appear on the display, the devices will connect and the Smart Thermostat will appear among the associated devices in app (Menu - Devices);
4. Proceed to the installation of the Smart Thermostat.